Derek McLean bio photo - treasurer hunter text

It's finally dawned on me, after way too many years, that lying at my core is a treasure hunter. And gems gems are everywhere!  They're found in our friends, family, colleagues, clients, puns, nature, art, you name it, treasure abounds and astounds. 

One of my favorite treasures rests in the design discovery process—the hunt for a design solution. I fondly recall the day, 30+ years ago, where a solution to a challenging design was revealed to me at 3AM (which I guess technically makes it night, not a day).  I scrambled to my rickety old drafting table and sketched out the concept. It was exactly the solution which had eluded me for over a week!  And not a moment to soon. The following morning was my deadline on whether or not to accept a new and very lucrative career in a different field of work. But the satisfaction I had that morning, realizing I had found that treasure, was a light on my soul—A revelation that being creative was in my bones...and even if I didn't make a penny at it I had to be true to myself.  So, here I am.

If you've got a treasure to hunt, a design that needs help or just want to give me a piece of your mind SHOOT ME AN EMAIL, let's go treasure hunting!